“Santa Maria”

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Trig 3R

Many a swell did she toil, while

carried wind and wave asunder.

And for 36 years she did sail;

Without anything taking her under.

Born and Christened the great Galician;

Kampat photobucket

Kampat ( Santa Maria )

She floundered about the seas.

Slower than most, yet gained flag host;

as for Atlantic crossing none fared better than she.

But on the Christmas morn of Columbus first land;

She ran aground, both on corral and sand,

tearing her hull in two. So they stripped

her down, to build a town, on an Isle now known as Haiti

to the likes of me and you.

A twisted  irony, or maybe prophetic fate;

One can not but surely relate, and suspect

a Devils trick.

And wonder how the great

Santa Maria de la inmaculada Concepcio’n;

On Christmas day became a town called Mole’ St. Nick

( Just my thoughts after reading this )

Wiki= Santa Maria

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© paul willis 2010 -all rights reserved


  1. Loved the Post!

    I still can’t seem to read everything clearly though. I’ve come back a few times and the font is overlapping??

    Flaw with WP or my PC, dunno??

    Great Post as usual though. And it was only right that Santa Maria give “Birth” to Navidad ;)

    Even if we know that Jesus was not born on the 25th ;)


    • I don’t have any doubts really in that area. I’ve done lot’s of studies, and I see it as trying to capitalize, and monopolize, the shirt tales of Christianity for the political advancement, and public control of Constantine.

      When you study what the Bible and other historical documentations tell us about Nimrod, and the religion pursuant from before the city of Babel, and the city of Salem, one can easily compare them to the things taking place on the world stage today,as predicted, or foretold concerning the end times in the prophetic languages throughout the Bible; reference: Jerusalem, (peace) Mystery Babylon, (confusion)

      For instance, Christ wasn’t born on December 25th, but, most likely the fall of the year. The winter solstice, on the other hand Was Already the Yule Time Orgy …sorry Party time celebration worshiping the Sun, and fertility gods and goddess’s

      …therefore,in the name of Christianity, Constantine, with what the general public knew of the Holy Scripture interpretation still under control of the Roman Catholic Church, set the penalty as death to worship the birth of Christ at any other time of the year. There are many deeper details on the subject, of course too numerous to disclose here.

      Incidentally,the message of the Salvation plan of God would lend that we celebrate the death and resurrection of the Christ more so than the birth.

      In the pagan world, that celebration, ( Easter ) of course was already in place…and celebrated as the Easter celebration…or Ishtar, goddess of fertility of the Babylonians. Ishtar, who’s city, Uruk is easily traced, to be the first city ever built on earth…

      which was the city of Enoch…built by his father…Cain upon his expulsion from the garden of Eden…so anyway, yes it gets way deep for the comment section in one sitting. ie. egg rolling…egg fertility, colored eggs and so on…
      My study here on this site called, “Sons of Enoch”, another Enoch by the way…the son of the line of Seth and not Cain covers much of the details mentioned here in detail and documentation.

      I saw a comment that you made somewhere on someone else’s site I think, of how your faith is steadily increasing…I just ask that you contemplate and keep this in mind: True faith in God is not a blind leap, but built on much evidence, and I believe He has you hot on His trail…God Bless you


      • Now here I have to disagree in part, Paul. Evidence would imply Empirical Evidence. Which in turn is Science. And while Science and Religion don’t usually contradict each other. I do believe that FAITH is not Based on Evidence alone.

        Faith is Believing when there is NO Reason to Believe.

        Faith is Trusting when we see no end in sight.

        Faith is Loving when there is absolutely no Logical reason to Love.

        Basically what I’m trying to get at is that Faith is Trusting Blindly in a God that we cannot, VIA EVIDENCE, see.
        We see His Works, We Feel His Mercy, His Love, His Compassion, We Await for His Justice, but EVIDENCE that HE EXISTS, well that we take with FAITH! =o)


        • Amen. well, I agree that the evidences that He allowed me to see, to build the unshakable faith in Him that I do have were more of the Spiritual kinds of evidences. Still, though supernaturally provided and many in the Spiritual realm of my life, they absolutely saved my physical life on more than one occasion.

          I was not raised in a church going family and had no real belief in God or Christ. I always had an insatiable yearning for the “Meaning of Life” and always really wanted to believe. For me , however, it took much study, and many “Revelations” to finally understand and believe in God in a way that can not be shaken.

          The evidences that I was speaking of are not of the scientific, or physical types at all.I believe God understands that after thousands of years of Religiosities and traditions of man having distorted His Word, Love and Truth in so many ways including the Holy Bible, that we certainly can have doubts when first trying to accept Him as real

          …In my case anyway, He has gone far and wide in the Revelation/Evidence department to cause me to have a belief, and faith in Him, that is so, so, much stronger than any doubt I ever had before.

          I wasn’t defining faith, or saying that faith once received requires anything more than for us to exercise it by walking in it; just that from my personal walk, and observation of many others the “First” step into believing in God, is not just a flying blind leap…but a willingness, and yearning to follow the one who cared enough to reveal Himself, and continues to reveal evidences of His true love as our Father.

          I know exactly what you are saying, as far as science seeking tangible evidence to base their (Facts) on. But, I feel that you also know what I mean when I say “Seek and ye shall find” much evidence, provided by Him, upon where is built much (Truth).
          God Bless you


  2. Probably didn’t articulate my full sentiment of historical reference in this by any means.It’s just funny how the true meaning of Christmas, and even the dates of all the Christian holidays, ( in my studied opinion anyway) have been relegated to dates and festivals celebrated by the Nimrod clan long before Christ was actually born( in the fall of the year),and sacred moments better spent in memory and worship of Him, are focused on hiding the fertility eggs from peter cotton tail, and cookies and toys from Ole Saint Nick.The story of Santa Maria just seemed like a photo image of what has been taking place in this world long before 1492…God Bless you


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